Trump Indictment: Deep Dive Plus Strategy – Make Them Rue The Day!

How many stitches and broken bones did you suffer when America was slammed against a granite wall going 300mph last week? What…you still feel intact? Perhaps the patient is walking wounded seemingly unaware their systems are slowly shutting down and soon will become totally incapacitated. I am not having fun waiting to find out how critical …critical really is, You?
Our country is experiencing a Color Revolution do not doubt this. Lawfare is a crucial element of this subversive act from within against our citizens. Listen as we explore Trump’s indictment within the framework of this revolutionary act and a strategy of mutually assured destruction. Flank them with no mercy.

  • Tucker Carlson on Trump Case: “This is the Boldest Election Interference Ever Attempted in This Country’s History” (video) – see here.
  • Alan Dershowitz legal take (video) – see here.
  • FEC Commissioner undermines entire Manhattan prosecution; The Trump-Daniels NDA is not an election campaign violation – see here.
  • Technofrog Substack- see here.
  • President Trump Post Indictment Remarks From Mar-a-Lago – see here.

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