Conservatives Must Reject the Term “Culture Wars” and Define the Left Narrative for What It Is: ”War on Sanity.”

Imagine you are at home having dinner with your family.  You are sitting at the table having a peaceful conversation.  Suddenly, your neighbor bursts in demanding you invite him over.  When you refuse, he causes a public disturbance. Naturally, you ask the adults in your family to help escort him out.

Next morning, he runs to a local newspaper and accuses you of assault.  He says that last night, he politely knocked on your door to wish you a good evening and ask for salt that he forgot to buy.  He says you verbally and physically attacked him.   He says you started “a war” against him just for being “neighborly.”

Obviously, now your community sees you as “a villain.”   Once you let your neighbor define you as an aggressor, it is now that much harder for you to make people hear your side of the story.  You have lost your moral ground in the eyes of your community, and reversing that narrative is an uphill battle.

This is a perfect analogy of how we, as conservatives, let the media define us as “far-right extremists” while we are defending the basic principles of normalcy and decency that most people agree on. In the last few years, the Left, with the help of the media, re-defined everything we know as decent and normal. And when we push back on their assault on our values, they blame us for engaging in “culture wars” – thus, defining conservatives as “aggressors” on American culture in the eyes of the public.

Take the case of Jordan Neely. When a mentally disturbed homeless man harassed NYC subway riders, a brave veteran, Daniel Penny, confronted him with force, which later resulted in Neely’s death.  Whether excessive force was used by Mr. Penny, or whether other factors contributed to Neely’s death (as was the case with George Floyd) is unclear.  However, Mr. Penny absolutely deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to confronting a violent and deranged man.

The media, however, does not give him that benefit.  They already defined Daniel Penny as “an aggressor” who “needlessly terrorized “a harmless and talented entertainer.”  After all, being assaulted by a homeless person is viewed as a part of everyday life today in a city like New York.  Destructive liberal policies turned large blue cities into filthy and violent enclaves.  Homelessness, panhandling, and shoplifting became so rampant on the streets of New York and San Francisco that  businesses are leaving these cities.  Derelicts and criminals are now viewed as rightful citizens, while the law-abiding residents are “imposing on them” and “demonizing the unhoused community.”

Once you define something as “a community,” even the most horrendous criminals are viewed as victims.

When it comes to imposing a “trans” agenda, the media employs the same tactic.  While shamelessly pushing the most extreme ideology on Americans, including the youngest children, they define people resisting it as “mean and cruel” – someone who “demonizes” a “marginalized community” by taking away their “basic amenities and healthcare:”

“Florida lawmakers have sent to the desk of GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis a slate of bills that will alter the lives of transgender people in Florida – including their access to health care and everyday amenities.”

Who would be on the side of taking away people’s healthcare?  That’s not a thing that the public would support, even if they don’t view “gender transitions” positively.  Except Governor DeSantis does not let the media define our reality, exposing their narrative for what it is – pushing extreme ideology on American people:

During his tenure in office, Governor DeSantis has been protecting the sanity and traditional values of people in Florida. He was the first one to define Covid “mitigation measures” as a major imposition on our way of life – not “lifesaving” and “compassionate” care. Similarly, he does not let the media define child mutilation as “health care.” He does not let the media and the woke corporations control our lives.

Yet, the media continues to fool you into thinking that a giant billion-dollar corporation employing an army of lawyers and lobbyists is “a defenseless Mikey suffering under the boot of the authoritarian Governor.”   And shockingly, many public figures identifying as “conservative” (examples here, here, and here) have joined forces with the media in promoting that narrative.

Every piece of evidence (here and here) shows that the majority of Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, reject the far Left’s attacks on our way of life. We may differ on economic or foreign policy, but when it comes to defining reality, most sane Americans – liberals and conservatives alike – share a common ground. That’s why Ron DeSantis got the full support of not just Republicans, but many Democrats in Florida. But instead of learning this lesson and embracing this fight, the Republican party chose to back away from it, siding with woke corporations against the conservative Governor.

Even before declaring his Presidential campaign, Ron DeSantis is widely viewed as one of the main contenders for 2024.  Thus, his opponents chose to embrace the Left’s talking points to attack him, shamelessly disregarding the concerns of their own constituents.  While they tout other, “more important,” issues that they are promising to fight, Americans’ view is increasingly clear: we do not want our way of life attacked.   Once we lose our grip on decency and common sense, no other issues will matter.  That is why the only person standing a chance to win in this election – despite election fraud or mainstream media lies – is the one that refuses to back down to the forces re-defining what reality

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